
A good marriage by stephen king
A good marriage by stephen king

a good marriage by stephen king

King imagines an answer to a question we've all asked, "Did Paula Rader know? Did Green River Killer Gary Ridgeway's wives Marcia or Judith know? Did they?" Hecht's performance makes a so-so story chilling and memorable, just as delivering "Riding the Bullet" electronically made that story frightening and unforgettable. Hecht's about the same age as the fictional homemaker, and plays the sweet, even tempered woman unwittingly married to a man who bears a physical and avocational resemblance to Dennis Rader, the BTK killer. Hecht becomes the credulous, complacent and self-satisfied Darcy who literally stumbles across her husband Bob's secret. "A Good Marriage" (2014 Audible copyright) works very well as an audio narration because of the excellent performance by Jessica Hecht. The turned out to be a fortunate mistake.

a good marriage by stephen king

When I finished the read, I put the hardback on my bookshelf, and so thoroughly forgot it I didn't remember reading about the 27 year marriage of Darcy and Bob Anderson when I clicked "purchase" on Audible. The book sold well - all of King's books do - but I thought the stories were lackluster, or tried too hard to shock, or both. "A Good Marriage" was originally published in Stephen King's 2010 novella collection, "Full Dark, No Stars". The eerily floating gray-green words on a black screen sentences and paragraphs scrolling automatically at my exact reading speed and a late evening with the lights off and a glass of good red wine made that novella mean more to me than it ever did on actual paper. It also had the world's first mass-market ebook, Stephen King's "Riding the Bullet".

a good marriage by stephen king

It had a stylus a special way to synchronize and write, and (available for separate purchase) a camera and a keyboard. In 2000, I had a Palm III, a handheld computer a little larger and heavier than today's iPhone 5.

A good marriage by stephen king